
Showing posts from March, 2019

Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough

You guys... I fell into a trap!  A "you HAVE to read this book" trap and it was horrible!!  I know that this is a bad place to end up... I've been here before and I don't like it at all so why am I here, yet again?! The book that I got hooked into reading is Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough which has a 3.75 rating on Goodreads, which is generally a decent rating for a thriller - as thriller's tend to be very subjective.  However, I had heard such amazing things about the ending and how it seemed to throw everyone for a loop that I couldn't resist the urge to pick it up from the library. My first clue that I wouldn't love the book, as promised, was that it was slow.  There wasn't a single moment in the book that I thought, "oh, here we go... shit's about to go down".  Nope, never!  In fact, I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for that moment to happen.  As I reached the halfway point in the book, I only kept reading for the

No Exit by Taylor Adams

There really is nothing like picking up a thriller that takes place in a snow storm when it's a snowy day outside! My weekend started out on the couch, under a fuzzy blanket, with my new kitten running crazy circles around the house.  I decided that a cup of tea and a new book were in order so went to my bookshelves and picked up No Exit by Taylor Adams .  I had heard mixed reviews online but that doesn't usually stop me when it comes to thrillers.  I tend to enjoy almost all of them and don't mind when they aren't as "thrilling" or "mysterious" as you hope or expect.  It's just the way it goes sometimes. After speed-reading through it, I can say that this wasn't the most mysterious book that I have ever picked up but, it was definitely a thriller that had me on the edge-of-my-seat at many points.  The atmosphere was the driving factor for me.  It allowed me to visualize being stranded in a snow storm, of epic proportions, with stranger