Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough

You guys... I fell into a trap! A "you HAVE to read this book" trap and it was horrible!! I know that this is a bad place to end up... I've been here before and I don't like it at all so why am I here, yet again?! The book that I got hooked into reading is Behind Her Eyes by Sarah Pinborough which has a 3.75 rating on Goodreads, which is generally a decent rating for a thriller - as thriller's tend to be very subjective. However, I had heard such amazing things about the ending and how it seemed to throw everyone for a loop that I couldn't resist the urge to pick it up from the library. My first clue that I wouldn't love the book, as promised, was that it was slow. There wasn't a single moment in the book that I thought, "oh, here we go... shit's about to go down". Nope, never! In fact, I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for that moment to happen. As I reached the halfway point in the book, I only kept reading for the ...